Relaxing Moon

Spin your mind around the ages.
Your cells remember for you
All the forgotten tides since dust began.
Open your mind’s eye and watch the night
Turn black with stars to punctuate it,
Turn and never reinstate the daylight
But for the star points and the corkscrew galaxies
Where light remains a mysterious thing.
Lie on your bed of straw or stone
Or man-made fibre or harvested cloth,
And leave your muttering recollections
By the door, or by the wall or between two rocks.
Let the earth bring you daylight by its rotation,
And the moon spiral around you at dusk
To light your way with sunlight second hand.
Bare your hearts to the grey clouds
Where the inner light and the silver lining
Promise to take you home again.
Leave your heartbeats and your memories
To stumble on without you for a while.
Take the moon at face value, and the sun and the stars
In the spirit in which they shine upon you now.
Watch the moon appear a crescent,
Grow to full and wane.
See the smile on her shrivelled face
The joyful eyes that peer out of the maria,
See them all as if this was your mother
Rocking you in night’s cradle
Safe till morning.


© Brian Hiill 1996